He placed the roses on the night stand in the black vase they occupied,They were beautiful


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EMILY FUNK: Holw Cow! You're a.w.s.o.m.e and I love you to fo-reakin death. You're such a good friend to me, and it's pretty amazing that you Just became my friend again just like that...You have been there for me with no questions asked. Friends don't get much better than you. Thanks! I Wuv You!


Yeah That's The Ex Boyfriend...FUCKER


Deason: you are so awsome. We've known eachother since what the 8th grade? And you have never been anything but a friend to me. And I plan to do the same for you. You're the greatest and thats a fuckin good picture of us! I wuv ya!


AJ: You and Davey have been so good to me. And even thought I haven't known you that long you have been great. Ya'll need to come back (well you'd be coming for the first time but anywayz) and visit me. Or Ya'll need to kiddnap me!


Patrick: Paterick, bud-ee you are a.m.a.z.i.n.g going to hot tubs with you and Adam is almost always fun. We really ought to do that again sometime soon. Just call me hun.


Adam: You're such a hippie and I love it. It's a.m.a.z.i.ng that you always change. But keep it down to earth, because we all seem to be cool with that one. You're so tight bud-ee. And no more special hugs hun. I'm taken lol.
Spencer: Omg bud-ee. You're psycho. And we never did finish radio. We so need to. When you get the time we need to hang out. Since you're such a hunk and all. Just kidding bud-ee!


Jordy: Man, we've been through a lot. And I love you to death. You've had quite an impact on my life. And even though our relationship crashed and burned a long time ago, I'm still really glad we have been able to become good friends again. By the way thanks for those drawings... Always lovely to think of a rabbit doing meth and an elephant smoking a cigar.Ha ha. By the way nice wheels!


Missy, you have been so good to me. You haven't known me very long but I can relaly connect with you on some emotional levels thanks for everything. You're amazing and a very nice person, and by popular belife they can just go and....Well do whatever cuz they're so wrong. You're a great girl!
Ian: Wow Ian 3 years ina  row during Jag time. I am glad we got to know eachother better. Because you are completely awsome dude. You act completely diffrent than I thought you did in the beginng. Thanks for staying a good friend to me even though we are on complete diffrent sides of the spectrum on A LOT of things.


David~ OMGosh you are the sweetest guy ever. I know you've had trouble this year and the last but I am deffinitly here for you no matter what. You just need to stop caring what others say about you, and you know why? Because they are all just talking trash because they are jealous of you. So tell them to shove that in their pipe and smoke it! Or just tell them I don't care because Amber loves me! Ha ha. Lots of love bud-ee.


DAY-V You are so fo-reakin awsome! Meeting you from Z was probably one of the best things to happen to me in a long long time. You guys were so amazing to me! You can never change I love you too much!Many smoochies broth-a!